Proofreading is defined as the method of checking the content for spelling mistakes, grammatical and punctuation errors.
This is the last part of content writing before publication. Proofreading ensures that the draft is ready to be printed and all errors and mistakes have been resolved.
Following things should be kept in mind before proofreading:
- Before start for proofreading, make sure that all repeated and unnecessary words are eliminated.
- Make a list of all type of mistakes and errors which you can encounter while proofreading.
- Proofreading is done at final stage, so ensure that all word and sentence structures are properly formulated.
The process:
Following steps should be followed while proofreading:
- Make a print out and manually highlight the mistakes with pencil on paper.
- After making corrections on paper, use computer word document to apply those changes.
- Use computer spelling checker for finding mistakes.
- Read aloud the whole content to find any mistake which can only figure out by reading out aloud.
- Go for the most important part first like introduction and main theme of content and then search other data, priority wise.
- Using list of error you have made earlier, search those mistakes and highlight them for corrections.
- After making corrections, again read whole content.
- If some expertise or skilled professional is available then take his help to read the content for finalization before publication.
Proofreading is an important process for all writers to make sure that their content is ready and complete with no mistakes and errors.
You can do extra effort by using following strategies to make your proofreading stronger.
- Use a handbook or user guide which contains sets of rules and regulations about proofreading.
- Learn from some instructor or take a class for proofreading and writing. They can help you in making your content qualitative.