Pick stocks and track them for two months to see how the stock market changes over time. Your paper will be comprised of 3 sections:  an explanation of the investments you made and the process involved, a discussion section, and a question section.  Please use headings to help organize your paper.

  1. Section 1: Explanation of your experience
    • In your write-up, take me through your thought process.  Describe the events involved in picking and tracking your stocks.  What did you base your decisions on?  How did it turn out?  Show me the supporting information, in a table or chart.  Duplicate the example process below, so you know where the numbers for every calculation are coming from.
    • Reference the stock/investing articles in the reading packet (Section 2).  Reference the material there when you discuss your process in this section. 
    • As you report your numbers, if it makes sense to you, it will make sense to me.
  1. Section 2: Discussion
  1. Section 3: Thought Questions

Project Grading Details: 


Mock Stock Market Investing

Invest a fictitious $10,000 in the stock market.

Example of Mock Stocks:


Stock Original Price # of Shares Total Value
ABC $12.43 243 $ 3,020.49
DEF $86.99 40 $ 3,479.60
GHI $34.61 101 $ 3,495.61
Cash $        4.30
Total Portfolio Value: $10,000.00



Stock Original Price # of Shares Week 2 Week 3
Price Gain/Loss Price Gain/Loss
ABC $12.43 243 $13.67 9.98% $13.28 -2.85%
DEF $86.99 40 $82.47 -5.196% $90.65 9.92%
GHI $34.61 101 $42.21 21.96% $54.98 30.25%
Cash $  4.30 $  4.30 $  4.30
Total Portfolio Value: $10,000 $10,888.12 8.88% $12,410.32 13.98%


Stock Original Price # of Shares Week 2 Week 3 Total Gain/Loss
Price Gain/Loss Price Gain/Loss
ABC $12.43 243 $13.67 9.98% $13.28 -2.85% 6.84%
DEF $86.99 40 $82.47 -5.196% $90.65 9.92% 4.21%
GHI $34.61 101 $42.21 21.96% $54.98 30.25% 58.86%
Cash $  4.30 $  4.30 $  4.30
Total Portfolio Value: $10,000 $10,888.12 8.88% $12,410.32 13.98% 24.10%



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