When people refer to a ‘public good,’ or a ‘common/shared good’ (health care, for example), they sometimes insinuate that this is a metaphysical, unchanging, moral-law-like obligation for humans to at least attend to if they wish to be moral/ethical, since (a) it’s so fundamental to all humans living & thriving; (b) humans can’t really ‘opt out’ of a need for a basic level of this; and (c) no one can create something this large on their own. Consider COVID-times, with the practice of either vaxxing or masking. Using our recent concrete COVID context, explain what someone holding each of these positions might do in the way of behaviors and action, if they are staying consistent with their ethical lens. For each position: does the position really have grounds to talk about/recognize a ‘common/shared good,’ morally speaking-? How/how not? Explain. Feel free to use as examples actual cases, behaviors, etc as you describe and explain how the ethical lenses play out when applied in this context.

Ethical Cultural Relativism: the general position held is: ______________________

Their range of consistent actions, behaviors could include: _______________________

Ethical Objectivism: the general position held is: _______________

Their range of consistent actions, behaviors could include: _______________________

Ethical Egoism: the general position held is: _______________

Their range of consistent actions, behaviors could include: _______________________


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