Term Paper on key topics in affordable housing program/policy – a suggested list is provided below.
- Total Points – 40% of the course grade.
- 13 -14-pages (about 3600 words); 12-font Times New Roman; double spaced.
Suggested Term Paper Topics:
- The Low Income Housing Tax Credit (LIHTC) Program
- The Section 8 Housing Choice Voucher (HCV) Program
- The Public Housing Program
- The HOPE VI program
- The Section 8 Project-based Program
- The Sections 202 & 811 Programs
- The CDBG and HOME Funds
- Federal Housing Administration (FHA); OR Fannie Mae
- Homelessness –national, state, county, or city level
- The HUD-VASH Program (for Homeless Veterans)
- Workforce Housing
- Any other Affordable Housing program/policy subject to approval.
- Paper Proposal Due by May 31, 2020: Submit a preliminary paper proposal – not more than one-page long. What is the housing program/policy of choice? Also include the scope of the paper: local (city or county), state or national. Include a statement (3-5 sentences) of the point of your paper. Another 3-5 sentences describing what you will argue in your paper; for example, do you argue that the program/policy is effective, or ineffective; cost-effective or wasteful; or successful, or a failure. You may also provide a list of some primary and secondary sources that you plan to use for the paper.
- Paper Outline Due by Sunday, June 21, 2020: Submit an outline, which will serve as your roadmap. The outline will help guide the direction of your paper and keep you on track. An example is provided below:
- Title
- Table of Contents
- Introduction
- Outline the scope of your discussion of the program/policy, which can be from a local (city or county), state, or national.
- Program/policy description
- Historical background and evolution
- Implementation critique – has the program/policy implementation been successful in achieving (or failed to achieve) policymakers’ objectives?
- Conclusion and Recommendations
- References
- Appendices (if any)