Throughout the course, you will be required to complete a research paper that is based upon the selection of a disorder of childhood and/or adolescence. In Module 7, you must submit the completed assignment as a Microsoft Word document. The Research Paper Assignment will be submitted according to the following schedule:
Part 1: Topic – Due Module 2 (5 Points)
Please select a specific disorder of childhood and/or adolescence.
Part 2: Outline and Title Page – Due Module 3 (10 Points)
Please create a purpose statement and outline of related features that are relevant to your topic.
- Section 1 of your paper will include a discussion of the etiology (causes), contexts, classification, prevalence, and defining features of the disorder.
- Section 2 of your paper will focus on interventions, current findings, and directions for future research.
Part 3: Article List – Due Module 4 (20 Points)
Please provide a list of all 5 articles that will be used in your Research Paper.
- All articles must be empirical articles that have been published within the last five years.
- The article list must be formatted according to current APA style.
- If you need additional information about APA style, please visit this link.
Part 4: Section 1 – Due Module 5 (25 Points)
- Section 1 of your paper must adhere to current APA guidelines.
- Section 1 of your paper will include a discussion of the etiology (causes), contexts, classification, prevalence, and defining features of the disorder.
Part 5: Section 2 – Due Module 6 (25 Points)
- Section 2 of your paper must adhere to current APA guidelines.
- Section 2 of your paper will focus on interventions, current findings, and directions for future research.
Part 6: Final Research Paper – Due Module 7 (50 Points)
The final paper should include your title page, outline, section 1, section 2, and works’ cited pages. The entire paper must be formatted using current APA guidelines. The final paper is a collation of previously submitted sections that incorporates revisions as suggested by the professor. Requirements for the final submission of the Research Paper are as follows:
Element | Weak (0-1 points) | Average (2-3 points) | Strong (4-5 points) |
Content | |||
Topic/Content | Has no clarity about a specific disorder. | Does not clearly convey the details of a specific disorder. | Explores a specific disorder as approved by the instructor. |
Length | Final submission is less than 2 pages. | Final submission is between 2 and 3 pages. | Final submission is at least 5 pages, not including the title page, outline, and wroks’ cited pages. |
Organization | Final submission is disjointed and unorganized. | Final submission has some logical flow but transisitons are not used with ease. | Details are logically grouped together by topic and flow. |
Outline | Includes neither a purpose statement or an outline. | Includes either a purpose statement or an outline. | Includes a purpose statement and a detailed outline of the proposed topic. |
Works Cited | |||
Format | Works cited are not formatted in current APA style. | Some works cited are formatted in current APA style. | Works cited are formatted in current APA style. |
Sources | Uses fewer than 3 empirical articles or includes articles not published within the last 5 years. | Uses 3 or 4 empirical articles or includes articles not published within the last 5 years. | Uses at least 5 empirical articles all published within the last 5 years. |
APA Style | |||
Page Format | Does not include a header in current APA style. | Includes a header in current APA style on some pages. | Includes a header in current APA style on all pages. |
Works Cited | Does not include a works cited page. | Includes a works cited page that is not formatted in current APA style. | Includes a works cited page that is formatted in current APA style. |
Title Page | Does not include a title page. | Includes a title page that is formatted incorrectly. | Includes a title page that is formatted correctly. |
Grammar | More than 5 grammatical errors are present. | 3 to 5 grammatical errors are present. | Fewer than 3 grammatical errors are present. |