3. Researchers want to test whether alcohol consumption leads to risky decisions. College students are asked to volunteer to consume alcohol. One group is given a single one-ounce drink of alcohol (equivalent to one glass of wine, one 12-ounce beer, or a one-ounce shot of liquor). The other group is given three one-ounce drinks (equivalent to three glasses of wine, three 12-ounce beers, or three one-ounce shots of liquor). Both groups are given the opportunity to make risky decisions (such as whether or not to wear a seat belt while driving, etc…).

Independent Variable:

Dependent Variable:

4. A researcher wants to see if a man is more attracted to a woman who shares many interests with him, or if he is more attracted to a date who likes different hobbies. Each male participant is provided with photographs and hobby information for two equally physically attractive women. One woman has many of the same hobbies as the male participant and the other has many hobbies that are different from the male participant. The male participant is asked to rate how attractive he finds each woman by using a 10-point scale.

Independent Variable:

Dependent Variable:


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