Indigenous Relations
Alberta Business Plan 2022-2025
The ministry consists of various groups that work to resolve disputes by promoting self-governance, advising the minister directly on policies, programs, and services that aid Indigenous women, and providing oversight to the AIOC to improve access to financial support for Indigenous groups. Indigenous Relations provides valuable information to the Alberta government to ensure Indigenous perspectives are being considered when policies, programs, and services are being developed. It also ensures that Alberta is fulfilling its legal duty to consult with First Nations where resource development may adversely impact their Treaty rights. Indigenous Relations also act as a focal point for the government to build and maintain relationships with Indigenous governments, communities, groups, industries, and organizations in the province.
Outcome 1: Indigenous peoples and communities benefit from security and prosperity and Alberta maintains its legal duty to consult
Key Objectives:
Provide oversight to the AIOC to facilitate investments by Indigenous groups in natural projects and related infrastructure.
Lead Alberta’s legal duty to consult, including advocating for a streamlined federal Aboriginal consultation process, that provides clear timelines and legal certainty for project proponents and Indigenous communities.
Work with other provincial government ministries, the federal government, and First Nations to resolve and negotiate land-related claims
Support community, social and economic development through funding programs; First Nations and Métis Women’s Councils on Economic Security; and implementation of actions to address the National Inquiry into Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women and Girls Final Report and violence against Indigenous women, girls and two-spirit, and LGBTQIA.
Outcome 2: Indigenous perspectives and Alberta’s interests with its cross-government and industry partners are heard and included in Government of Alberta policies, programs, initiatives, and services
Key Objectives:
Support Alberta’s economic recovery by maintaining a one-third reduction of red tape through active monitoring, while supporting Indigenous participation.
Collaborate with other provincial government ministries to provide expert advice and support for the development of policies, programs, and initiatives that reflect Indigenous perspectives and advance reconciliation
Outcome 3: Relationships with Indigenous leaders and organizations are maintained and strengthened
Key Objectives:
Support First Nations to improve economic and social outcomes and support First Nations in environmental discussions through protocol agreements
Maintain and strengthen Alberta’s relationships with the Metis Settlements General Council, Metis Settlements, and the Métis Nation of Alberta through agreements.
Do you think the Alberta government is fulfilling the key objectives? Or are they visibly lacking in some areas regarding the objectives?