In this module, we are going to work more with direction of associations (positive or negative). Remember, positive doesn’t mean good, and negative doesn’t mean bad. “Positive association” means both variables are going in same direction, “negative association” means they’re moving in different directions. Without using numbers or SPSS, let’s start to practice applying these concepts hypothetically by distinguishing between good/bad and positive/negative.
Please post (1) a “positive” association you think is bad, and (2) a “negative” association you think is good. Remember, “good” and “bad” is totally your opinion. But positive and negative are concepts you can apply correctly or incorrectly. So your instructor and/or peers will direct you accordingly.
Here’s an example. A positive association I think is “bad” is between smoking and lung cancer: the more I smoke, the more likely I am to get lung cancer. Alternatively, a negative association I think is “good” is between sleep hours and weaving on the road: the more hours of sleep I get, the less I weave on the road (falling asleep at the wheel). The more sleep I get, the less harm I am to myself and others—a negative win-win!