The United Kingdom’s Responses to COVID-19 & the Effect on the Public’s Perception of their Government.

Outline: Points to Discuss 

Outline for Paper

Title/ Title Page: The United Kingdom’s Responses to COVID-19 & the Effect on the Public’s Perception of their Government.


Part 1 

  1. Goal: To describe the pandemic & its course, communications issues, & public health not always being a focus of the government.
  2. Description of the pandemic & how it has run its course so far.
  3. What are the communications issues that have resulted from this pandemic and its responses in terms of what to do and what not to do. 
  4. Governments are not always bearing in mind the public health in formulating their messages and their methods for what to do (processes).
  5. Recognize that public health isn’t always a focus of the government’s efforts when it comes to handling this particular virus. (Transition to part 2)
  6. Sources:

Part 2 – 

  1. Goal: To identify good & bad global pandemic responses & to describe the ideal pandemic response
  2. Outline the U.S pandemic response vs. several countries responses. Outline what makes up a good or bad pandemic response.
  3. Discuss competing public interests in formulating responses; keeping people out of poverty, economy, individual/personal freedoms to move about and not be masked.
  4. What would an ideal pandemic response be. Use this as a foundation to describe what public service ethics & professionalism is, what the public interest is, & how the responses are optimizing or meeting those values. (Transition to part 3)
  5. Sources:

Part 3 – 5 pages

  1. Goal: To describe a set of values that government officials hold, how these values are affected through pandemic preparedness & responses, and how their actions impact the public’s view of their ethics & professionalism
  1. The relationship between individual public servants’ behavior and a properly functioning government.
  2. How the governments’ ethics and professionalism have affected their responses to the pandemic.
  3. The effect of government officials and employees’ professionalism and ethics on the public.
  4. What are some solutions to the pandemic issues (stopping the spread) that are based on public service values? 
  5. Sources: 


Please review the outline assignment, bibliography assignment, paper assignment, and the below-grading criteria; transmit comments or questions to the professor within one week after the group leader election deadline.

Criteria Description of Expectations
Originality and Creativity Term projects should be original and should represent more than simply reviews or summaries of selected sources.  They should represent some creativity of ideas on your part.  This may consist of approach to the topic of research, or manner of presentation, or of hypotheses of suggested conclusions or implications of the paper.  Group disagreement is an advantage:  describe and discuss the differing perspectives.  All general statements or conclusions must be based on local inductions or deductions, usually with reference to empirical evidence, reports from reliable sources, or other reportable information.  You should avoid making value judgments and wild generalizations.
Content The project should be based upon and supported by selected reliable sources germane to the course and the topic.  Research of an empirical nature may certainly be conducted; however, empirical work is not specifically required.  We would, of course, expect that whether you undertake an empirical study or an extended analytical essay appropriate reference to scholarly or other reliable sources would be made. 
Reference All material ideas, statements, facts, figures, etc. which are not your own should be referenced by author, title, publisher, date, and page.  When quoting a passage of any length, the passage must be placed in quotation marks and the source acknowledged.  Long quotations may be indented, single-spaced without quotes and the source indicated.  But even when properly acknowledged, extensive quotations or even extensive paraphrasing is not appropriate.  Again, we would expect originality and creativity.
Style Persons in our discipline are often accused (and properly so) of poor writing style and jargon.  We would suggest that you avoid clichés, slang, jargon, tautology, faulty reference, dangling construction, ambiguity, vagueness, repetition, non-sequiturs, begging the question, poor logic, etc. You should simply be attentive to proper English composition, paragraphs, style, and references.
Technical Detail Every report must include a bibliography indicating all reference sources.  The paper should be more than 14 pages but must be no longer than 18 pages, excluding the title page and bibliography.

Every citation in the paper (i.e., all sources of others’ words and ideas) should appear in the bibliography in proper form.  Citations should contain all the information required by APA writing style and specifically indicate the location of the material cited.  Page numbers should be checked for accuracy before a paper is submitted; the reader must be able to find the source of the material quoted.  You should use the most recent edition of the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association.  A one-page abbreviated APA style guide can be found in the Student Resources module.



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