A. Read the four articles listed below: please see attached articles
1. A systematic review of research on religion and spirituality in the Journal of Traumatic Stress: 1990–1999, (2003) by Andrew J. Weaver , Laura T. Flannelly , James Garbarino , Charles R. Figley & Kevin J. Flannelly
2. Spirituality and Resilience in Trauma Victims in the Journal J Religious Health (2007) by Julio F. P. Peres, Alexander Moreira-Almeida, Antonia Gladys Nasello, Harold G. Koenig.
3. Ethical Integration of Christian Faith in Clinical Social Work with Veterans by Laurel Shaler in SOCIAL WORK & CHRISTIANITY Journal of North American Association of Christians in Social Work (2016), pp. 47–58
4. Integrating Cognitive Processing Therapy and Spirituality for the Treatment of Post- Traumatic Stress Disorder in the Military by Natalia R. Wade in SOCIAL WORK &CHRISTIANITY Journal of North American Association of Christians in Social Work (2016), pp.59–72
B. Answer each question in the outline below. Type each question and answer according to the outline provided. Make sure you acknowledge the source and use the APA citation style.
In two paragraphs, describe faith and coping with trauma. (In A Systematic Review of Research on Religion and Spirituality in the Journal of Traumatic Stress: 1990– 1999, pp.216-217)
1. In two paragraphs explain neuroimaging studies of traumatic memories (in the Journal Religious Health Spirituality and Resilience in Trauma Victims, pp.344- 345).
2. In two paragraphs explain the role of resilience in trauma processing (In the Journal Religious Health Spirituality and Resilience in Trauma Victims, pp.345- 346)
3. In three paragraphs describe hope and spirituality (In the Journal Religious Health Spirituality and Resilience in Trauma Victims, pp. 346-348)
4. In three paragraphs, explain PTSD in military sexual trauma and substance abuse (Social Work & Christianity Journal of North American Association of Christians in Social Work: “Ethical Integration of Christian Faith Into Clinical Work With Service Members and Veterans” pp.49-50)
5. In two paragraphs, explain the Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) as treatment (In Social Work & Christianity Journal of North American Association of Christians in Social Work: “Ethical Integration of Christian Faith Into Clinical Work With Service Members and Veterans” p. 50)
6. In three paragraphs, explain the ethical integration of faith in the traumatic stress treatment (In Social Work & Christianity Journal of North American Association of Christians in Social Work: “Ethical Integration of Christian Faith Into Clinical Work With Service Members and Veterans” pp.52-53)
7. In one paragraph, define cognitive processing therapy (In Social Work and Christianity Journal of North American Association of Christians in Social Work: “Integrating Cognitive Processing Therapy and Spirituality for the Treatment of Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder in the Military, p.62).
8. In two paragraphs, define spirituality, and spirituality crisis (In Social Work & Christianity Journal of North American Association of Christians in Social Work: “Integrating Cognitive Processing Therapy and Spirituality for the Treatment of Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder in the Military, pp. 63-64)
9. In two paragraphs, explain the relation between spirituality crisis and PTSD (In Social Work & Christianity Journal of North American Association of Christians in Social Work: “Integrating Cognitive Processing Therapy and Spirituality for the Treatment of Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder in the Military, pp. 64-65).
10. In two paragraphs, explain the relations between spirituality and informed cognitive processing therapy crisis (In Social Work and Christianity Journal of North American Association of Christians in Social Work: “Integrating Cognitive Processing Therapy and Spirituality for the Treatment of Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder in the Military, pp. 65-66)
11. In three paragraphs, explain the five clinical scenarios where spirituality or religion may be addressed in therapy crisis (In Social Work and Christianity Journal of North American Association of Christians in Social Work “Integrating Cognitive Processing Therapy and Spirituality for the Treatment of Post- Traumatic Stress Disorder in the Military, pp. 66-68)
In two paragraphs explain three key aspects that you know now, and that you did not know before about spirituality and/or religion and trauma treatment.