In the final year of graduation, subsequent to your final exam, you were interviewed by a well-established company for a potential job opportunity. The company is looking for candidates with a strong marketing and research background in academia. Your interview went well. You are required to carry out a follow-up activity, which is to conduct a research exercise. The report must be 3,500 words and should clearly demonstrate your knowledge, skill, and ability to undertake a fully researched and referenced investigation into a marketing-related issue.  

What does the assignment require? 

After selecting the topic for your research, you are required to accomplish the following:  

Although it is for individual students to determine their own research project, marketing issues that might  produce suitable research topics could include:  

The assignment report should include the following sections:  

  1. Introduction, Background and Rationale 
  2. The Literature Review 
  3. The Research Question 
  4. The Research Methodology 
  5. Analysis and the Findings 
  6. Conclusions and Recommendations 
  7. References and Appendices

Unit 5: Research Methodology and its Application to Marketing (May 19) 

Mark scheme 

Marks will be allocated as follows:  

Introduction, background and rationale [marks 0-10] 

The literature review [marks 0-20] 

The research question and research methodology [marks 0-30]  

Analysis and findings [marks 0-20] 

Conclusions, recommendations and limitations [marks 0-10]  

Format, presentation and referencing [marks 0-10]  

Word count  

The word count for this assignment is 3,500 words. A tolerance of +/- 10% is allowed where no penalty is  incurred.  

Where an assignment falls outside this tolerance the total mark awarded will be reduced. Assignments  which are up to 10% under or above the word count tolerance will be subject to a deduction of 5 marks,  with subsequent penalties of an extra 5 marks deducted for every further 10%. 

For clarification the word count applies to the entire body of the text (i.e. including headings, citations,  content of tables and diagrams) but does not include the reference list or the appendices. 

Materials included in appendices should add to the reader’s understanding of the assignment. All  appendices must be cited within the body of the assignment and must be clearly numbered. 

An accurate electronic word count must be noted on the front of all assignments. The penalty for not  providing a word count, or for providing an inaccurate word count, will be a deduction of 3 marks.

Unit 5: Research Methodology and its Application to Marketing (May 19) 


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