Role-Differentiated Behavior
- Read Lawyers as Professionals
Wasserstrom, 24 pp. retrieved from here (Links to an external site.) Sept 8, 2015.
‘Everything You Need to Know about Occupational Licensing’ (Links to an external site.)
‘How Requiring Too Much Training Hurts Workers and Consumers Alike’ (Links to an external site.)
Answer (due Friday):
- How is role-differentiated behavior relevant to professional ethical decision-making?
- Do you agree with Wasserstrom that “role-differentiated behavior . . . makes it both appropriate and desirable for a person in a particular profession to put to one side considerations of various sorts—especially moral considerations—that would otherwise be relevant. . .”? Why or why not?
- The Boston Globe article says, “Advocates of licensing reform don’t dispute that licensing can serve an important public function. But when they look out at all the industries in which new restrictions have been introduced over the years, they see a potentially valuable idea that’s been taken too far.” Do you agree or disagree? Why? What is your evaluation of the licensing or credentialing requirements in your profession? Are they justified? Why or why not?