Solutions to Global Issues-SOC450

1. Chapter 6, “Climate Change,” of your textbook discusses reputable scientific studies that show that the Earth is warming at an unsustainable rate because of a rise in the release of CO2 and methane gases.


2. Chapter 5, “Energy,” in your textbook explains why the world is in the midst of an energy crisis as it concerns the rapid use and depletion of nonrenewable natural resources. According to the textbook, “Many experts predict that the largest increase in demand for oil in the coming years will come from increasingly industrialized economies with large populations” (p. 140).


3. Chapter 10, “Alternative Futures,” in your textbook discusses how developed and developing countries that have access to the planet’s resources (because they can buy those resources from others or because those resources exist in abundance in that country) continue to grow at a fast pace, placing a tremendous strain on the availability of nonrenewable resources.



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