In Chapter 12, we talked about stress. Stress is a common phenomenon in healthcare. Write about stress in healthcare and the impact it can have on employees, organizational performance, the delivery of patient care, etc. Identify and describe the different kinds of stress that can occur.
Discuss why stress in a healthcare environment may be more of a pressing issue as compared to other industries (be sure to address factors, such as, professional hierarchy, personalities, ethnicity, gender, etc.).
Describe if / how employee burnout (due to stress) is impacting the delivery of care. Once you have written about stress in the workplace, identify some best practices to alleviate the negative effects of stress in the workplace.
How should managers behave so that employees experience less stress on the job?
Ground all your work in existing theory.
What strategies can the organization use so that the employees experience less stress on the job?
This write-up has to be supported by current facts and literature.
Possible Deliverables for Option 3:
– What does the healthcare environment look like currently?
– Why is stress more prevalent in healthcare? What impact can it have on an organization, employees, and patients.
– Define stress – when is it good and when is it bad?
– What can administrators do to address employee stress? What can employees do to better manage stress?
– Using established theories to describe stress in a healthcare environment
– Address the case inquiries in full, being absolutely certain to do so not as a layperson, but as a healthcare organizational behavior expert, making sure to reference theory, findings in scholarly articles, etc. to justify your positions. Merely providing personal opinions which are unsupported is insufficient and will be grounds for failing this assignment. You must use the tools offered in your readings, coupled with those acquired by additional research, to address the case professionally
The rules:
Your submission in its entirety must be between 2500-3,000 words – this EXCLUDES the reference, title, and abstract. The 2,500 to 3,000 words is only the body of the work.
You are writing a research paper in the context of your case. As such, it should be a scholarly work. Your work should demonstrate a competency of the material that you are writing about. Typos, poor grammar, punctuation, failure to follow direction, and obvious errors will be penalized. You have plenty of time to work on this paper so it should reflect your level of effort. Unlike a proctored exam – YOU HAVE FULL CONTROL OVER YOUR GRADE for this assignment. Your submission must be supported by 15 (minimum) or 40 (maximum) references, with at least 10 being from scholarly academic journals (peer reviewed journals). Citations are to be prepared in accordance with the standards set forth in the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association. Be sure to consult the style guide itself, as database listings often contain formatting errors which are not compliant and can hurt your grade. If you are writing about the current healthcare environment (i.e. competition, market structure, patient demographics), I would find the most recent literature. However, for some of the theories or the theoretical based literature – often we will have to cite “seminal” research that can be decades old. It is not recommended best practice to have all older literature as the field is constantly growing and changing. However, if there are some works that you believe are the cornerstones of your theory(s) than I would use them regardless of the age. I would not include more than five articles that are older than 15 years. Keep in mind that this is a formal research paper. As such, it needs to be written in third person. APA –Citation of References. If you do not know how to cite your references correctly, I highly recommend that you utilize the resources at your disposal: mat.html These are auto-citation websites/ resources EndNote If you do not know how to find scholarly articles than please look at LibGuides, entitled “Distance Learners/Dual Enrolled Students: Getting Started.” This LibGuide will illustrate how to search for books, journals, and Interlibrary Loan requests. The LibGuides List is on the right-hand side of the page under Library Quick Quick Links. See the link below. If you are struggling to find appropriate journal articles, I may suggest checking the back of each Chapter in the Organizational Behavior in Health Care (if you have a copy of the book). Dr. Borkowski lists out the articles that she referenced when discussing each theory. Another suggestion is that you take one of the seminal journal articles about a particular theory and you put it into Google Scholar and see all the other journal articles that reference it. You can then search for healthcare-related articles from that one resource. APA Format Couple of little tidbits of info regarding APA if you’re interested…. APA doesn’t require a heading for the Introduction. A paper would generally begin with the title, unbolded, centered at the top of the page. Then your “main headings” will be centered and bolded, each main word being capitalized, and then subheadings within these main headings will be left-aligned, bold and each main word capitalized. EX.: This is the Title of My Fake Paper This would be where I would write out my introduction, being sure to summarize the rest of my paper and explaining the purpose of my paper. (BOLD) Main Heading; This may be where I discuss a certain topic, maybe theoretical assumptions, but if I am going to break down these theoretical assumptions, it is helpful to divide even further with second-level headings as below. (BOLD) Heading for Second Level Here I would get even more in-depth and subheadings can be broken down further and further. I use Purdue Owl as a reference to remember how to break these down when needed. Link: eadings_and_seriation.html Other Paper Important Info In presenting your work, identify the title, your name, student ID number, and submission date in the title slide of your work. It is recommended that you include the following sections in your paper: – Title (Name, Id Number, Date, Title) – Abstract (200-word synopsis/summary of your paper…think of it as a paper movie trailer) – Introduction (one-two paragraph) – Case Inquiries Addressed Introduction (body of the paper; use sub-sections as you deem necessary) – Review and Application of Theory (body of the paper; use sub-sections as you deem necessary) o You need to demonstrate a significant degree of knowledge regarding the theory you choose. Support with theories that are appropriate for each case. Recommend you review the existing literature to further explore that theory and how it has been applied – Discussion (Tie the theory back to the case problem) – Conclusion (one three paragraphs) – References (APA style)
Assessment Criteria Your submission will be assessed based on the following :
Compliance quality: The degree to which your submission complies with noted guidelines, including word count, reference/citation specifications, and adherence to APA style,
Communication quality: The degree to which your work meets standards expected in business communications, including matters concerning the use of proper grammar and punctuation, Content quality: The quality of the content presented in your work.