Write an argumentative, 5-paragraph, editorial that argues for or against a topic that a young person could defend & initiate positive change in their community. Have you ever taken an opportunity to solve a problem or concern on your own? Think about a topic that interests you, it can be one of these: supporting or opposing school uniforms, video games harmful or beneficial, internet access at school (yes or no), should schools switch to e-books, support or oppose bike lanes, etc. or….. you can select your own, please get it pre-approved before you start writing your essay. Remember to select and defend one side. You will bring up the opposing side in paragraph #4. Paragraph #1: Introduction: topic (18 points) Start with a “hook” (bold statement, question, a fact, or anecdote) to engage your reader on your topic. Introduce your topic (see ideas above), which is an issue with two or more viewpoints. Give your viewpoint. Your thoughts about the topic. State your claim that is a clear and concise statement and will be supported in your body paragraphs. Touch on the two reasons for your claim in your thesis. Your claim must be developed and supported by evidence in your body paragraphs. Paragraph #2: Body (18 points) – Give the first reason for your claim. Support your reason with evidence. Evidence can be quotations from experts (cite them), firsthand accounts, statistics, facts, and data, charts or graphs, illustrations, or photographs that visually support your reason. Paragraph #3: Body (18 points) – Give the second reason for your claim. Support your reason with evidence. Evidence can be quotations from experts (cite them), firsthand accounts, statistics, facts, and data, charts or graphs, illustrations, or photographs that visually support your reason. Paragraph #4: Body (18 points) – State the counterclaim to your argument. It takes a position opposite to your own claim. Imagine the strongest reason that would support that counterclaim. Find evidence to weaken that reason, this is your rebuttal. Be respectful and keep a polite tone in your rebuttal. Paragraph #5: Conclusion (18 points) – Restate your claim. Summarize the reasons to support that claim. Summarize the rebuttal. Close with a solution, an alternative, or a call to action. What can we do to solve the problem or concern? Works Cited: (10 points) Add new sources to this section as you write your essay. Do not wait until you are done writing. Use MLA format. Use parentheses (cite author’s last name & page number), after direct quotes in the body of your essay to cite your sources. Put quotation marks around direct (exact) quotes you use.