The arguments for and against Women’s Suffrage

Good writing comes through revision. After you’ve written your project, read over it, testing your ideas. Does what you’ve written make sense? Does one point naturally lead to the next? What about your writing? Is it easy to understand? Simpler sentences are often better than more complicated ones.

Beginnings and endings are important too, but both probably ought to be written last. After you’ve written a couple of drafts of your project, you might be ready for an introduction. Don’t begin with something boring. Find an interesting idea or an example that will grab your audience’s attention. Under no circumstances should you begin with the tired words, “Throughout history…”

Your instructor will grade your project into four categories:

  1. Thesis: Does your project have an argument or point? Is it obvious what question you tried to answer? Does your project successfully answer your question or argue your point?
  2. Organization: Does your project have coherence, or is it a random collection of facts? Is there a logical or chronological progression to the narrative? Does the organization highlight the thesis?
  3. Style: What is the project’s overall quality? Does the project exhibit the best practices for its format (i.e., essay, lecture, or documentary)?
  4. Research: Does the project demonstrate that the student did an appropriate amount of research? Did the student base the project on both primary and secondary sources?


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