Each essay must be 850-1000 words (3-4 pages) with at least 3 references in each essay
Essays are graded on:
- Student used standard essay format: Introduction/Body/Conclusion. The structure is a multi-paragraph essay, clearly developed with effective transitions and solid topic sentences.
- Student demonstrated an in-depth understanding of the ideas in the assigned reading and critically evaluates/responds to those ideas in an analytical persuasive manner (i.e. graduate level).
- Student was able to respond clearly and directly to the assignment in an academic manner with good development. The essay indicates a good understanding of the course content and supports its points with textual and outside references.
- Student demonstrated the use of critical thinking while making novels connections to outside materials and experiences. Analysis is fresh, posing new ways to think of the material.
- Student demonstrated proper use of grammar, spelling, punctuation, citation style, etc. Writing consistently adheres to A.P.A formatting.
Financial Management
Raymond M. Brooks, 2020
ISBN.13: 978-0-134-73041-7
Assignment One:
- Define financial management and examine the three main categories of financial management: capital budgeting, capital structure, and working capital management. Describe the types of decisions each of these involve. Further, examine the objective of the finance manager in an organization.
Assignment Two:
- Summarize the term “common stock” and evaluate its key characteristics. Determine the two major markets for the sale of stock, as well as the concepts of “bull market” and “bear market.”
Assignment Three:
- Identify and evaluate the five stages of the business life cycle. Examine the five sources of capital a business can use to begin its operation.
Assignment Four:
- Define the terms “stock dividend,” “stock split,” and “reverse split.” Analyze the reasons that a company would conduct a stock split and a reverse split.
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