
The opinion essay is a formal essay which needs your opinion about certain topic or subject. The opinion given in the essay should be stated clearly and briefly with supportive arguments from authentic resources.


Following are steps of writing a good and attractive opinion essay for students:

First step is to brainstorm some questions and outlining them in notes for writing the content. Ask about the topic how it is going to affect people? What will be the main objectives? How much opinion should I give keeping myself in the restricted domain? And what will be the expectations of audience?

Now start writing the opinion essay with introductory paragraph, body paragraphs and conclusion. The introduction should highlight the aims and objectives of the topic or subject. The body paragraphs shall briefly explain the outlined key points in the introduction. And conclusion should summarize whole content.

Proofread the essay with finding mistakes and correcting them. The mistakes can be grammatical or spelling wise. Avoid them at all costs.


Some useful tips to write an opinion essay are as follows:

         Necessary info:

While writing an opinion essay, make sure to pay attention in following things: