Women in Western Religion revised


This paper examines the contributions of ten scholars on the position of women in the Western religion, particularly sexuality of the females according to various religions. The paper seeks to discuss the arguments of women sexuality according to the past and contemporary society. The view of women sexuality has greatly undergone changes because of the constantly changing cultural values. In the past, the sexuality of women was highly valued according to the Biblical teachings. However, the difference in cultural perspectives has resulted in the adoption and widespread of homosexuality, masturbation, altered roles of women and failed marriages. While researching the topic, I will raise questions such as the factors that have contributed towards the changing sexuality of women. The evolution of women sexuality from past to contemporary society will be arrived using theoretical research. In that, I will involve scholarly journals and credible books. I will draw information from academic fields of theology, social and historical criticisms. My agenda of using the three criticisms is to illustrate the arguments of various authors, which led to the change in the sexuality of women in the society. The paper will adequately make use of secondary research sources that entail surveys and current methodologies on the sexuality of women. Additionally, the use of ethnographic research enhances an understanding of the way different societies value and relate to women sexuality.



Stychin, C. F. (2009). Faith in the future: sexuality, religion, and the public sphere. Oxford Journal of Legal Studies, gqp016.
The source discusses the religious teachings in the clash between various religious freedoms. It addresses the equality of the lesbian people, which has become a controversial issue in many nations. In the discussion, the author illustrates the problems concerning the widespread belief about the prohibition of lesbianism in the early teachings. Additionally, the author addresses the need of courts and people to accept the existence of different sexualities.
The author continues to discuss that sacrifice is an element of religious manifestations, and as a result, people should be willing to accept all people despite their sexualities. It is equally important that human beings maintain a strong relationship with each other to foster unity. Peaceful environments are achievable through the practice of acceptance of all forms of women sexuality. After all, the Bible says that all people are entitled to human rights, equally.
The source portrays some relevance with the topic of study because it utilizes the teachings of equality and human rights. It additionally states that freedom of a person to believe is subjective, and there should be a manifestation of faith. Many Christian advocates are working towards increasing the acceptance of equality in sexuality across the world.

Bell, R. (2009). Sex, God. New York: Harper Collins.

The book is a major source in discussing the sexuality of women since the beginning of the creation. It addresses the aspect of what God intended with the female body. The primary intention of God creating a woman was to provide and continue with the process of procreation on Earth. Additionally, the duty of a woman is to satisfy their partners, the men. Despite the various advancements which have led to the growth of homosexual women, the act does not result in procreation. The approach is highly discouraged in the religious teachings, as they preach the need to honor God. The source also provides information on the reasons God created the women to be spiritual despite His knowledge that pole would have sexual questions concerning Him and the lives of human beings.
According to the source, the woman was created to connect to the man. As a result, the human relationships that exist between man and woman are strengthened by the fact that God created them in His image. As a result, the female body is an important part of a man and cannot be separated from each other. The teachings advocate for union and marriage so that the female body can procreate. The point is true because of the strong connection between humans and God. In the family unit, a woman is considered to foster subordination to the man, as a way of honoring God’s commandment. The author affirms that women become more aligned to spirituality when they talk with each other. Additionally, people cannot talk about the sexuality of women without understanding how the process of creation happened. In the end, there is an improved relationship between the human population and God.

Furseth, I., & Repstad, P. (2006).

An introduction to the sociology of religion: Classical and contemporary perspectives. Aldershot, England: Ashgate.
The next source discusses the role of relationships in altering and maintaining the sexuality of the female body through scientific ways. Since religions exist differently, the society has adopted varying levels of teachings about sexuality and the female body such as the use of contraception. In the discussion, the book continues to illustrate the various religions that support the use of contraceptives. The author asserts that many religious traditions make attempts in regulating the sexuality of women. However, he adds that most of the present-day women are highly involved in the study and interpretations of the Scriptures, particularly concerning the sexuality of the female body.

Additionally, the author continues to argue that fornication has resulted in a violation of the structure of the reproductive sexuality. The church leadership has remained strictly concerned and in control of the female body and fertility. The church controls the sexuality o women by enforcing its teachings on the use of birth control, homosexuality and abortion. For example, the Muslim attitude towards sexuality of the women is complex. They Muslims do not see the female sexuality as related to spirituality, but rather as God’s sign of mercy. More similarly like the second source, the source discusses that the role of sexuality is to create intimacy and loving relationships between men and women in marriage. Conversely, the author disagrees with the point that supports the control of women sexuality by the men. The control is done in forms such as denial of birth controls, a high premium on female sexuality and ability to order sexual relations at their wish.
The source provides indicative information. The reason is that it illustrates how the theme of women’s sexuality fits in various religions. The author uses Hinduism, Muslim, and Christianity in making arguments. The ability to use an indicative source provides an opportunity for the readers to understand coherently about how religious practices affect the sexuality of women.

Yip, A. K. T., & Page, S. J. (2016). Religious and sexual identities: A multi-faith exploration of young adults. Routledge.

Another aspect of sexuality discussed is about masturbation and the female body. The source particularly centers its discussion on the exploration of the body. Negative perceptions present in t religious scripts and performance of the body. According to the author, most of the religious teachings do not view the practice of self-pleasure positively. Many leaders have witnesses’ religious teachings, which position females who practice masturbation negatively. The messages drawn from the scriptures are the need to honor and glorify God with our bodies. Additionally, the act of masturbation is viewed as unclean and against the will of God.
The source illustrates the applicability of a study conducted on the effects of masturbation on the female population. A survey was conducted and the results analyzed, which portrayed negative attributes of masturbations. Additionally, most of the participants of the study internalized the effectiveness of religious teachings. The author continues to argue that most of the teachings stressed on the impermissibility of masturbation in the society. According to the analysis of results, the act of masturbation can lead to conflicts within some of the religions creating a tendency in confusion. The source strongly disapproves the masturbation for the purpose of policing the body to avoid transgress and boundary. Additionally, the study shows that women have a higher likelihood of framing negativity to acts of masturbation compared o the men. Again, the source points out that the practice of masturbation by the female body is as a result of altered relationships with the men.

The book is an indicative source because it entails study and results of the participants. Quantitative type of research study as employed in the book and the method used to select participants was a random sampling. The subjects were chosen randomly from the population to represent the views of women in the society. Additionally, the random sampling was conducted according to the various religions in the society.


Batchelor, D. (2009). God’s role for women in ministry. Roseville, CA: Amazing Facts, Inc.
This source additionally discusses the change in women sexuality through the increase of lesbian marriages. The author strongly condemns the act because it does not result in procreation as required by the teachings. In the discussion, the source encourages parents to mold their children in the right paths so that they do not fall into the sins of the world. Additionally, it recognizes the role of a woman in maintaining a good home, including the children. The source continues to argue that technology and westernization are to blame for the increase of homosexuals in the society.

Another change discussed by the author is the marriage issues that are highly prevalent in the society. According to the source, marriage is ordained by God and should last for an extended period. On the other hand, the recent society has minimal value to marriages and it is not a surprise when some women end up unmarried. The view of marriage according to the teachings is that God created every woman a partner. It is the responsibility of a Christian woman to believe and have steadfast faith in the Lord that she will get married. The aspect is slowly changing because of high marital wrangles, which were not based on the teachings of God.

Additionally, the author discusses the rise of extramarital sex, which has become the primary basis for ending marriages. Teenage marriage is another issue discussed by the author due to the dangers of early marriage. Young women fail to honor their bodies as they enter into marriage. The result is that the lack of knowledge and experience in maintaining home results in ineffective unions, which are not durable.

Patte, D, (2009). Cambridge Dictionary of Christianity, Press: Cambridge University Press.

The source discusses the aspects in which women receive treatment in the society depending on the sexuality religious practices. The author attests that women are increasingly gaining insights in need to subordinate in the family and the society. It refers to sexuality as a deepest response that humans give to the world. The source points out that Western Christians view the term sexuality to entail genital sensations, activity, and fantasy. Western Christians understand the approach of sexuality differently resulting in controversial views about the female body and religion. Additionally, the sexuality has shaped the culture of the west through the change of perspective and beliefs about the role of the females in the society. One of the arguments tabled by the author is the basis of sexuality in social relations and religions. Sexuality interferes with the view in which the male possess the ability and divine attributes to exercise sexual power over the women. Again, the sexual nature of the women is to become submissive and cooperative. It then means that the female body is used to provide sexual satisfaction for men despite the circumstance.


Crooks, R., & Baur, K. (2011). Our sexuality. Belmont, CA: Wadsworth/Cengage Learning.

The source illustrates the close relationship between religion and sexuality. According to the findings of the author, the existing norms in the traditions aim at restricting women’s sexuality and homosexuality. The book emphasizes the application of the traditional practices is still practiced in the contemporary society. The author provides an illustration of the lesbian communities who are discriminated because of their sexuality. The society views the act as barbaric and against God’s law. Compared to the ancient times, acts such as a lesbianism and masturbation did not exist as human beings lived according to the teachings of the Bible and various Scriptures. However, with the rise of westernization, many people have begun to embrace homosexuality as a human right. As a result, the society treats lesbian differently from the rest of the married women.

The source examines the classical belief of the sociologist, Max Weber, who states that the origin of sexuality and religion was considered highly intimate. Weber claims that the religions that are ruled by priests and prophets portrayed regulation of sexuality through marriage. Due to the emergence of new cultures, the approach of sexuality has been viewed differently. Additionally, the source continues to argue that just as the relationship between man and woman is maintained through the act of sexuality, God also requires similar obedience.

It can be concluded that the source is informative. This is because of the ability to provide an explanation of the entire book and the compare the practice of sexuality. The author has managed to comprehensively compare the view of women sexuality in the past and the present. Another important aspect that makes the source indicative is the ability to examine the theory using classical sociological perspectives.

Vance, L. L. (2015). Women in new religions. New York: New York University Press

The source provides some historical perspectives on the role of the female body. For example, the historical roots of Roman Catholicism are based on many readings of the Scripture and the theological sources. Aquinas, Luther, and Augustine are the historical individuals who made several contributions to sexuality and religion. The attitude of sexuality resulted in the prohibition of women ordainment in Church ministries. Therefore, celibacy became mandatory for the Roman Catholic priests and all women who were not yet married. The approach of not allowing women to participate in ministerial positions was brought about by the need for submission of the females.

The author continues to illustrate the social processes, which were involved in subordinating the sexuality of women in the society. During the twentieth century, social sciences impacted the western Christianity in various ways. The psychological theories of Carl Jung and Sigmund Freud led the development of a contemporary understanding of the female sexuality. The individuals played a significant part in influencing the Catholics and Protestants to embrace the modern teachings about sexuality. The belief in social science led people to discredit lesbian communities and sexual liberation movements, which challenge religion and social relationships.

The source is both informative and indicative. First, it discusses the main points under discussion. Second, there is the provision of illustrations, which fit a broad perspective. An example is the discussion of sexuality and its view in the society, ways in which sexuality subordinates the women and the social and historical processes. Additionally, the source samples the contextual views and practices from different parts of the world such as in Asia, Africa, and Latin America.
Grigg, R., Hecq, D., & Smith, C. (2015). Female Sexuality: The Early Psychoanalytic Controversies. London: Karnac Books.

The author discusses the changes that can happen concerning the female body in various perspectives. One of the primary factors discussed in the book is the view of childbearing. The recent generation does not value the importance of scriptures nor the Bible. As a result, women live and procreate as they wish. The author cites God’s instruction to women on the need to procreate and act as a helper for the man. Conversely, the technology has led to various changes such as the innovation of Internet. The women seek guidance from the Internet rather than from God and the Bible. As evident, many women enter into marriages and fail to bear children for the man. The new population views bearing children as a way of destroying and altering the female body. Thus, the changes in the extent of childbearing are evident to happen in the future, act, which is not according to the teachings of God.

The author discusses another sexuality change in future. This is the increasing need to embrace and practice homosexuality and masturbation. For example, in the United States, same-sex marriages are on the rise because of legalization by law. The fact that the law fails to honor the teachings of the Scriptures signifies that people will fall from the commands of God. The fact that there is a rise in lesbian marriages signifies that the young generation will grow up adopting similar perspectives. As a result, the world will be filled with homosexuals because of the increased self-interests that do not consider God. The source prohibits the act but argues that the advancements in technology affect the way female sexuality is supposed to b handled.

The book is both informative and indicative to the reader. Firstly, it has been able to discuss the summary of the whole book. Secondly, it illustrates how the book covers the different dimensions of the topic.

Peacore, L. D. (2010). The role of women’s experience in feminist theologies of atonement. Eugene, or: Pickwick Publications.

The source discusses the roles of women in the contemporary society. Since the past, the society portrayed restriction for women leadership in the church. However, the book advocates for changes in the modern society by eliminating feminists. The author stresses on the need for more women to uptake leadership positions and religious works. With the rise of many religions, it is important for people to understand that both males and females have equal capabilities. It is the duty of the women to take up leaderships positions such as in clergy and lead the Christians.

By taking up leadership in the church, the women acknowledge the power of God’s creation. Other women in the society who live in fear of discrimination when it comes to leadership will become encouraged and motivated. Another role of women is to act submissively for their husbands. The source discusses the need for the female generation to understand that submission does not mean that women are weak in the community. The act of submitting means to obey the leaders and husbands in marriage. It is significant from the source that the book entails the experience in which the females received a promotion.
Additionally, the source continually cites texts from within and outside the traditions of a Christian. The source is informative to the readers because it centers its discussion in the traditions of Christianity. According to the biblical teachings, women are expected to submit to their husbands and bear children. Accordingly, they should use their power and knowledge to raise children in God’s ways. According to the teachings of Apostle Paul, the responsibility of women is to ensure that the family is surrounded by the love and faithfulness of God at all times. As a result, children brought up in a Christian home end up abiding by the teachings.
Again, the author emphasizes the need for women to teach others about the gospel. The future world requires many women in liturgy to spread the word of God and preach to all individuals. Although the Bible requires women to be silent, it doesn’t mean that they should not embrace leadership positions. The actual meaning is for women to lead quietly, that is without exercising authority. Women in future should motivate men into embracing equality by allowing women in leadership positions.

Another essential role of women as discussed in the book is the need to fight for women rights in the society. One of the approaches is through prohibiting and not allowing violence and battering in marriages. It is one of the areas that women face discrimination. Some of the men still hold traditional beliefs about the need to beat women to make them less authoritative. The result is the emergence of women who are afraid to take up leadership positions in the church. Again, the western religion should allow women to preach against homosexuality and masturbation as it is not encouraged in the Bible. The author advocates for a stronger relationship between humans and God at the end. I consider the source both informative and indicative because it provides an overview of the past, present and the future roles of the female generation. Additionally, the author illustrates various arguments to examine the future role of women in the religion.

There have been great developments and advancements that have rendered the society at risk of losing the teachings of the Scriptures. The view of women sexuality is entirely different from the past teachings due to the change in religion and culture. Westernization has resulted in the emergence of female issues about sexuality such as in marriage, homosexuals, masturbation, the role of women in church and submissiveness. As a result, the sexuality of women has led to many drawbacks when compared to the religious teachings. There is a need to adopt the teachings of God so that the future lives of women can change.


Batchelor, D. (2009). God’s role for women in ministry. Roseville, CA : Amazing Facts, Inc.
Bell, R. (2009). Sex, God. New York: Harper Collins.
Crooks, R., & Baur, K. (2011). Our sexuality. Belmont, CA: Wadsworth/Cengage Learning.
Furseth, I., & Repstad, P. (2006). An introduction to the sociology of religion: Classical and contemporary perspectives. Aldershot, England: Ashgate.
Grigg, R., Hecq, D., & Smith, C. (2015). Female Sexuality: The Early Psychoanalytic Controversies. London: Karnac Books.
Patte, D, (2009). Cambridge Dictionary of Christianity, Press: Cambridge University Press.
Peacore, L. D. (2010). The role of women’s experience in feminist theologies of atonement. Eugene, Or: Pickwick Publications.
Stychin, C. F. (2009). Faith in the future: sexuality, religion, and the public sphere. Oxford Journal of Legal Studies, gqp016.
Vance, L. L. (2015). Women in new religions. New York : New York University Press
Yip, A. K. T., & Page, S. J. (2016). Religious and sexual identities: A multi-faith exploration of young adults. Routledge.